Call ahead at 425-787-2500 x817 if you are bringing an animal to the Wildlife Center.
Cat and dog adoptions by appointment only.
Found a wild animal?
Lost or found a pet?
Coming to one of our PAWS locations?

Female / Spayed Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown) 8 years 1 months
Female / Spayed Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown) 6 years 1 months
匿名伕理ip Mixed Breed, Medium (up to 44 lbs fully grown) 2 years飞鱼加速器是干什么的-雷霆加器速
爬虫伕理ip 知识大汇总-混拨PPTP:2021-6-12 · 一、伕理IP的匿名度 伕理IP按匿名程度来分,可分为透明、普匿、髙匿三种类型。 透明伕理:目标服务器知道你用了伕理,还知道你的真实IP。 普匿伕理:目标服务器知道你用了伕理,但不知道你的真实IP。 髙匿伕理:目标服务器什么都不
Help save vulnerable kittens, puppies and orphaned wild animals during baby season by joining this fun 21-day wellness challenge from the safety of home. For every mile walked, a generous supporter is giving $1 - up to $10,000!
Give today
Cats, dogs and wild animals with nowhere else to go need you! Your gift gives sick, injured and orphaned animals critical care, time to heal, and help going home.
Every summer, the lives of dogs like Reena are at risk
Reena, a senior dog, was left in a vehicle on a hot day while her owners were running errands. For only $54, you can help rescue an animal like Reena and bring her to safety at PAWS.
July 7, 2024 A single net could save Puget Sound’s ‘problem animals’ June 8,...
Read StoryOrphaned Bobcat
We received an orphaned bobcat kitten this week. The bobcat was spotted walking down...
Read Story匿名伕理ip
Written by Madi Cook, PAWS Education Intern Wild Animals Need Homes Too! Many species...
Read Story高匿名伕理IP的优势-飞猪IP:2021-5-9 · 高匿名伕理IP不会更改客户端的请求,这样服务器就会看到真正的客户端浏览器正在访问它,此时客户的真实IP是隐藏的,服务器端认为我伔没有使用伕理。 具有不同匿名度的三种伕理IP可众应用于不同的场景。最重要的是,您根据自己的情况选择适合您
PAWS recognizes we are part of a society where systematic and institutionalized racism is pervasive and unacceptable. We know we must do more to stop racial discrimination and bigotry.